Ned Kelly Raid Trail of 1879

Jerilderie is the only town in NSW featured in the Ned Kelly saga and has more surviving authentic Kelly sites than anywhere else along the Ned Kelly Touring Route. Jerilderie’s Ned Kelly Raid Trail is a self-guided tour of the 16 sites visited by Ned Kelly and his gang in 1879. With 6 of the buildings directly associated to the 1879 visit still standing, it’s a fantastic insight into how the town looked when Ned visited. The trail is an enjoyable and educational way to explore Australia’s bushranger history. A comprehensive self guided tour brochure, complete with time line, has been developed for the Kelly aficionados to directly retrace the footsteps of Ned and his gang as they proceeded to carry out an event that was to become an icon in the annals of Australian history.  Follow in Ned’s footsteps, explore the sites and make your own decision: Ned Kelly, hero or outlaw?

View our Raid Trail of 1879 guide here(PDF, 3MB).


Download a map of Jerilderie(PDF, 1MB) with all the sites on it.