Site 16 - The ‘Park’ residence

Address: Argoon Ave

At the time of the Ned Kelly Raid on Jerilderie in February 1879, the residence was occupied by the Church of England Minister, Rev J B Gribble.

Rev. Gribble was unaware of the Kelly Gang’s presence in Jerilderie until informed of the situation by the junior teller of the Bank, James Mackie, who had been ordered to the park to run in the horses of the Bank Manager and the teller.

Rev. Gribble decided to walk into town to find out for himself what was happening, and met up with the proprietor of the Traveller’s Rest Hotel, Mr Thomas McDougall, who informed him that the Kelly Gang had taken his daughter’s race horse “Minnie”.

Proceeding on towards the police barracks Rev. Gribble confronted Ned Kelly, who subsequently ordered Steve Hart to let loose “Minnie” and take Sergeant Devine’s grey horse instead. Having already been ordered to hand back Edwin Living’s saddle to him, Steve Hart was then told to ride bare-back into town and obtain a new saddle.

On retracing his steps towards home, Rev. Gribble again met Mr McDougall walking towards him, this time carrying a saddle on his head. Gribble began to advise Mr McDougall of “Minnie” being left in the police barracks paddock, when Steve Hart stepped out from behind Mr McDougall, and promptly relieved Rev. Gribble of his watch. The good Reverend stood somewhat perplexed for some time before gathering his resolve and returning to the Traveller’s Rest Hotel, where, by that time, Ned Kelly had arrived. He again confronted Ned Kelly. Ned subsequently ordered Hart to return the watch, admonishing him to next time ‘go for a good one’.

Thinking that he had pushed his luck far enough, Rev. Gribble beat a hasty retreat for his home.